
Logo Generation Flowchart

This flowchart outlines the process of generating a logo using three endpoints: /logo, /feedback, and /generate_image.

Process Overview:

  1. Input User Details:
    • User provides the following details:
      • description: A description of what the logo should represent or look like.
      • user_name: The user’s name or identifier.
      • project_name: The name of the project for which the logo is being created.
  2. /logo Endpoint:
    • The system uses the inputs provided by the user to generate an initial logo using an AI model.
    • Response:
      • The system returns a conversation_id to track the user’s session.
      • A base64_image to view the generated logo is provided.
    • Example Request:
        "description": "Life is all about semantics in New Mind",
        "project_name": "Newmind AI Drop Down",
        "user_name": "newmind_test_user"
    • Example Response:
        "conversation_id": "fe3d62c5-7d55-4620-a981-a5d38199ce1d",
        "base64_image": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU..."
  3. Feedback Loop:
    • If the user is satisfied with the logo, they move on to the final step to receive the image.
    • If the user is not satisfied:
      • The user provides a feedback prompt through the /feedback endpoint (e.g., “use brighter colors”).
      • The conversation_id is passed to track the session.
      • The system generates a new logo based on the feedback.
    • Response:
      • A new base64_image for the updated logo is returned.
    • Example Request:
       "feedback_prompt": "Draw a simpler image",
       "conversation_id": "fe3d62c5-7d55-4620-a981-a5d38199ce1d"
    • Example Response:
        "base64_image": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEU..."
  4. Repeat:
    • The feedback cycle continues until the user is happy with the generated logo.
    • Each iteration involves sending feedback and generating a new logo until satisfaction is achieved.
  5. /generate_image Endpoint:
    • Once the user is satisfied, they make a request to the /generate_image endpoint. The system returns the final logo in url format for download or use.

    • Example Request:
        "conversation_id": "fe3d62c5-7d55-4620-a981-a5d38199ce1d"
    • Example Input:
        "url": ""
    • Response:
      • The final logo is returned url.

Decision Flow:

Visual Representation:

Below is the visual representation of this process in the flowchart image.
